Friday, July 9, 2010

RAID 6 on Linux

A recent hard drive failure on one of my development PCs got me thinking about RAID. Though I thankfully had most of the code backed up to a local SVN server. Still not having to rebuild a system again is a much better option.

Doing some research related to RAID (RAID levels, Software Vs Hardware RAID), I decided to go with software RAID using RAID 5 or RAID 6. A couple of blog posts here got me more interested.

Now I don't plan to create a 20 TB or so NAS (Network Attached Storage). I plan to use 4x500 GB WD SATA drives. Using RAID 5 or 6 I should be able to get between 1.5 to 1.8 TB of storage from these with 1 or 2 disk fault tolerance.

Instead of doing all the software setup by hand, I plan to use a Linux NAS distro. For the time being OpenFiler seems most promising. I'll be posting my progress regarding this in the coming days so check back later to see how it went......

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